The Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to health and healing is very different from Western Medicine.

In the West, when something happens we ask what we can do about it. In the East when something happens they ask what has caused it. Traditional Chinese Medicine looks for the underlying causes of imbalances and patterns of disharmony within the body and views each patient as a being unique. Western Medicine generally provides treatment for a specific illness, whereas Traditional Chinese Medicine addresses how illnesses manifest in a particular patient and then treat that patient not just the disease. The Chinese way tends to treat the whole body rather than to try and isolate a particular infected area.

Conventional Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine should be seen as complementary to each other, rather than as alternatives. Both types of medicine have their advantage and drawbacks, which is why they need to work hand in hand for optimal results. Research has also shown that Traditional Chinese Medicine can effectively complement western medicine when the two systems are used for acute, chronic or life-threatening disease. In China , a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and western medicine has been shown to be more effectively treat cancers than western medicine alone.

To discover more information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, please click on the questions below:

  • What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

    The Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to health and healing is very different from Western Medicine.

    Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the philosophical concept that the human body is a small universe with a set of complete and sophisticated interconnected systems, and that those systems usually work in balance to maintain the healthy function of the human body. The balance of yin and yang is considered with respect to qi (“life force”, or “spiritual energy”), the Five elements , emotions, spirit. If Qi is flowing freely and smoothly, there is balance and health. If Qi is blocked, pain, dysfunction and disease can result. TCM has a unique model of the body, notably concerned with the meridian system. Unlike the Western anatomical model which divides the physical body into parts, the Chinese model is more concerned with function. Thus, the TCM Spleen is not a specific piece of flesh, but an aspect of function related to transformation and transportation within the body.

    TCM practitioners are trained to use a variety of ancient and modern therapeutic methods – including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, moxibustion (heat therapy), nutritional and lifestyle counselling—to treat a broad range of both chronic and acute illnesses. TCM focuses on the wholeness of body, mind and spirit and emphasizes prevention and health promotion.

    TCM is a holistic medical system that seeks to heal the root causes of dysfunction or disease. It has been practiced for over 5000 years, making it one of the oldest and most widely used systems of medicine in the world. Recent advances in Western medicine are only now beginning to affirm the wisdom of this ancient healing system that integrates mind, body, nutrition, lifestyle and energy fields.

  • History of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Australia

    Traditional Chinese Medicine has a history of almost one and a half centuries in Australia.

    A brief timeline of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Australia:

    • The initial transfer of Traditional Chinese Medicine from China to Australia began in the middle of the nineteenth century, when Chinese migrants came searching for gold.
    • In 1867, there were 50 Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners in Australia .
    • In the 1970’s the Australian Government sponsored health insurance for full Acupuncture cover for patients of registered Western Medical practitioners.
    • During the 1980’s Alternative Medicines such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Osteopathy developed very well in Australia as a complementary to Orthodox Medicine.
    • Since the 1990’s, the Australia Government has accredited University Degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine. These Degrees were offered at the Melbourne University of Technology, Monash University , University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney.
    • AMA Finally Endorses Complementary Medicine Page 1, Page 2
  • What Traditional Chinese Medicine can offer to You

    An increasing number of people from around the world are being treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    At its most basic level, Traditional Chinese Medicine can increase energy and provide an overall feeling of well-being. Please call or email us to inquire if we can help you.

  • Chinese Herbal Medicine - 4 Compositions of the Prescription

    Principal (chief) Herb: Main herb in the prescription, which is directed against and has the most impact on the causes or the main symptoms.

    Adjuvant Herb: either aides the principal herb in treating symptoms or serves as the main ingredient directed against co-existing symptoms.

    Assistant Herb: 3 different functions.
    •  For treating the accompanying disease or syndromes.
    •  To counter the potent side effects or toxicity of the principal and adjuvant herb.
    •  To produce a supplementary effect in the treatment and to be used in complex disorders.

    Guide Herb
    •  For leading the effects of other drugs to the affected sites.
    •  To balance the action of other herbs in the prescription.

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    Our Treatments

    • Cancer Patient Information

      Cancer is one of the most difficult diseases to be treated. We may help to ease some side effects or symptoms.

    • Acupuncture

      Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of relieving pain and treating a variety of diseases by inserting needles into specific places on the body.

    • Herbal Chinese Medicine

      Chinese Herbal Medicines are mainly plant based, but some preparations include minerals. We do not use animal based herbal products.

    • Qi Gong

      Qigong is an Oriental therapy that combines gentle exercises with breathing techniques, meditation and visualization to improve the circulation of Qi (life energy) in the body.